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Caroline Fichera
Natacha Heurtault – EarlyCom
Press releases
septembre 2022
Getting ready for an older and longer living society.
Silver Economy Expo is the biggest B2B meeting which focuses on services and technology for seniors and their helpers. It has been held since 2013 and provides the opportunity for people to show existing solutions and give the benefit of insight gained from experience to managers of organisations which have seniors (whether in good health, vulnerable or dependant) and their helpers as clients, residents or service users. It also gives a unique insight into innovations and startups which help to deal with the challenges of an ageing population.

September 2021
« Innovation and cooperation: changing the lives of seniors and their helpers ».
Seniors are currently the focus of attention, support… and debate in a way that they have rarely been in the past. Our ageing population1 and the worsening of the demographic ratio of dependence has required for a long period of time a better coordination of initiatives to help seniors and to mobilise new resources to promote good management of ageing and to encourage innovation in all its forms (technological, social, organisational etc).

November 2020
At the beginning of 2020, the 14th Tradeshow for personal and domestic services and the 8th Silver Economy Expo had been scheduled together at the Porte de Versailles for the 17th and 18th of November.
Then in the spring these events were scheduled to be ‘’ hybrid’’: physical attendance would be possible at the Porte de Versailles and they would also be held online.
These shows will be held on the scheduled dates but will now be completely online because of the health crisis.

November 2019
‘’The ageing population in France and the demographic transition which comes with it are two challenges for our society. As with other transitions that we are familiar with ( energy, digital, entrepreneurial…), the solutions come from innovations. We created Silver Economy Expo to give a big boost to the promotion of startups in the industry and to help them establish important contacts. This seventh show will bring together the greatest number of innovations and start ups in the sector‘’ says Alain Bosetti, President of Silver Economy Expo.

November 2019
Silver Economy Expo, l’Assurance Retraite Ile-de-France, Bluelinea, France Silver Éco and UGAP have jointly held the fourth Silver Academy Awards. The aim of this competition for startups is to showcase innovative initiatives ( products or services) for making the daily lives of seniors easier and better. Four businesses were chosen from the twentytwo entries received for the final which took place today, Wednesday 27th November. The winner will receive support for its growth from the Silver Acadmey partners.

November 2019
Ageing is a natural process. As we age we get ….old. It means we reach an age where we are fragile and then become incapacitated. Seniors * (whether in good health, fragile or dependent) are the fastest growing part of the French population : 7 million in 1980, 13 million today and 19 million in 2060 (1). When we talk about the change in significance of seniors as a percentage of the population we realise the kind and extent of the challenges we face: 13.9 % in 1980, 20.8 % in 2019 and 28.5 % in 2060. In other words, the number of people who can take responsibility for and finance the fragile health and the handicaps of their grandparents and their parents will decrease.
This demographic change raises questions about finance (pensions of course and also responsiblilty for it), support and more generally the position of seniors in our society. To respond to these challenges, one must find answers today. Since 2013, Silver Economy Expo has been the place to come to every year to find out about innovations, experiments and how effective tested solutions have been and thus to make the best decisions.

November 2018
The ageing population feature increasingly in literature, cinema, cartoons and advertising. This is not surprising because our country has now joined the “ageing countries club”. This transition can properly be described as a demographic transition and it is different from the transition to a “greener way of living”, which people have to be encouraged to do (and we can see in our daily lives that this is no simple matter). This demographic transition is forcing itself upon us and we must help to smooth the way and rise to the challenges it presents us with. Organisations traditionally involved in the seniors’ industry (both public and private) and new innovative businesses are keen to show that they are up to the challenge.
Silver Economy Expo has been showcasing developments in the seniors‘ industry since 2013. It is the annual event which helps those working in the sector to find about creative and innovative approaches and experiments and to assess the effectiveness of solutions which have been tested. This enables them to take informed decisions.

November 2018
At the Silver Economy Expo, 64 start-ups will display their innovative new ideas for our elders: maintaining social links, stimulating cognitive processes, reducing risks, personal assistance, home adjustments and security, products and services for health, solutions for residences for seniors or care homes.

October 2017
Ever since 2013, Silver Economy Expo has been contributing to the promotion of the ageing population economy sector. For visitors, it has become an annual event where they can discover both mature products and services and innovations not yet on the market. They benefit from feedback on experiments and success stories to gain a better understanding of the sector.

September 2015
helping seniors, the French economy and employment
Given an official launch in April 2013, the Silver economy industry (the sector for ageing) has a promising future.
From 24th-26th November for the 3rd year running Silver Economy Expo will be the meeting point for those engaged in the sector wanting to hook up with others.

November 2014
The French population is ageing: according to demographic forecasts, 20 million French people will be over 60 by the year 2030 (compared with 15 million today) i.e. almost a third of the population in France. The ageing of the population is having an effect on many economic sectors such as health, accommodation, transport and food…. and the Silver Economy market as a whole is expected to exceed 130 million Euros in France by 2020(1) i.e. an increase of 41 % in only 7 years. So the future is bright for the industry which was given a formal government launch in April 2013 by Arnaud Montebourg and Michèle Delaunay.

(1) 2013 Seniors’ market
September 2014
With 15 million people over the age of 60 and the population of over-75s due to double by 2050(1), the future is bright for the seniors’ industry, which was given a formal launch just over a year ago. To help support the sector, Silver Economy Expo, the B to B ‘ Technology and services for seniors’ tradeshow, will be held for its second year at the Porte de Versailles on the 4th and 5th December this year.
‘By holding the Silver Economy Expo and working together with the most of the organizations which have a role in the seniors’ sector, we aim to hold an event which will boost the sector and help to develop a wide range of first class competitive services and products’ explains Alain Bosetti , manager and organizer of the show.
(1)INSEE (National institute of statistics and economic studies) 2011

September 2013
trade show !
With 15 million French people over the age of 60 and a population of over-75s due to double by 2050, the future is bright for the new seniors’ industry, launched last April by the Government ministers Arnaud Montebourg and Michèle Delaunay.
Against this background, the Silver Economy Expo, a B to B tradeshow for technology and services for seniors, is being held in Paris from the 5th to the 7th December 2013. Alain Bosetti , President of the trade show says ‘ Our aim is to help to showcase the French initiatives in the Silver Economy and to promote the exchange of ideas amongst the those involved in this ecosystem’.
